Tag Archives: Michelle L. Levigne

Mundania Press, LLC and Hard Shell Word Factory new releases

Brenna Lyons’ Monsters of Myth http://www.mundania.com/book.php?title=Monsters+of+Myth We’ve read about them. We’ve watched movies about them. They’ve haunted our nightmares and tantalized our imaginations. They are the monsters of myth and legend. You know them: vampires, Frankenstein’s monster, zombies, ghosts, and all manner of mischievous creatures that cause inexplicable mayhem. Welcome to my worlds, and may […]

Mundania Press, LLC new release – 11/24/2010

Michelle L. Levigne’s The Wolf That Was http://www.mundania.com/book.php?title=The+Wolf+That+Was Tirian grew up knowing she would inherit her mother’s duties as village wise woman, but without inheriting her mother’s magical gifts. It didn’t help that her mother insisted Tirian herself was magic. When an enemy wizard killed her mother, she despaired of ever finding an answer to […]