A Midsummer Night’s Press announces two new annual anthologiesBEST GAY POETRYedited by Lawrence SchimelandBEST LESBIAN POETRY edited by Linda AlvarezFor the 2008 editions of this exciting new series celebrating the bestin gay/lesbian poetry, A Midsummer Night’s Press invites submissionsof poems PUBLISHED during 2007.Poems can have appeared in print or online magazines, journals, oranthologies; we are also willing to consider poems from books orchapbooks first published in 2007, even if the poem was originallypublished previously in periodicals, so long as the poet has the right to reprint the poem.We are open to all styles of poetry, from formal to free verse; we arelikewise open-minded in terms of content, so long as it somehow fits(even if pushing the boundaries of) what might be considered “gaypoetry” or “lesbian poetry”.We are willing to consider slam poetry, so long as it has beenpublished in text form, not merely performed; the poem must also workon the page, for these anthologies.We are open to English-language poetry from all over the world, andactively look to include non-North American voices.Please title documents with the poet’s surname.Please include contact information (both street and email address),bio, and where the poem was published WITHIN the .doc file, asdocuments will be read separately from the emails.Submissions from individual poets or queries should be sent by emailin .doc format to one of the following addresses, as appropriate:BestGayPoetry@gmail.comorBestLesbianPoetry@gmail.comDeadline is December 15, 2007.(We will consider submissions of work that is scheduled to appear inthe latter half of the year, but which has not yet been published.)In each volume, A Midsummer Night’s Press also plans to include around-up of all books/journals/anthologies of gay/lesbian poetrypublished the previous year. (We also welcome recommendations orsuggestions of appropriate poems from editors of journals,anthologies, or presses.)Books and journals for review can be sent to the attention of theappropriate editor at:A Midsummer Night’s Press16 West 36th Street2nd FloorNew York NY 10018amidsummernightspress@gmail.comwww.amidsummernightspress.comAbout the EditorsLinda Alvarez is the editor of the anthologies BEST DATE EVER: TRUESTORIES THAT CELEBRATE LESBIAN RELATIONSHIPS (Alyson) and DYKE THEHALLS: EROTIC LESBIAN CHRISTMAS TALES (Circlet) and lives in New YorkCity.
Lawrence Schimel is an award-winning author and anthologist who has published over 80 books, including FIRST PERSON QUEER (Arsenal Pulp),TWO BOYS IN LOVE (Seventh Window), THE FUTURE IS QUEER (Arsenal Pulp),PoMoSEXUALS (Cleis), and TWO HEARTS DESIRE (St. Martin’s Press). He also edited the first (and so far only) anthology of gay love poetryto appear in Catalan, ELLS S’ESTIMEN (Llibres de l’Index). His poems have appeared in a diverse array of periodicals, from THE CHRISTIANSCIENCE MONITOR to PHYSICS TODAY to THE LYRIC, and have been widely anthologized in GAY LOVE POETRY, THE PRACTICE OF PEACE, CHICKEN SOUPFOR THE HORSE-LOVER’S SOUL 2, and THE RANDOM HOUSE TREASURY OF LIGHTVERSE, among others. He lives in Madrid, Spain with his husband,Ismael Attrache.
About the Publisher:A Midsummer Night’s Press (www.amidsummernightspress.com) is anindependent publisher devoted primarily to poetry, publishing underthree imprints: Fabula Rasa for work inspired by fairy tales ormythology, Funny Bones for light verse and humor, and Body Languagefor works exploring sexuality and queer subjects. The press’ firsttitles include THIS IS WHAT HAPPENED IN OUR OTHER LIFE by Achy Obejas,THE GOOD-NEIGHBOR POLICY: A DOUBLE-CROSS IN DOUBLE DACTYLS by CharlesArdai, and FAIRY TALES FOR WRITERS by Lawrence Schimel. A MidsummerNight’s Press is distributed by SPD (www.spdbooks.org).
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